Our term dates for the 2024-2025 Season will be as follows;
Term 1 - September 1st - December 13th (15 weeks)
TErm 2 - January 5th - March 21st (11 Weeks)
Term 3 - April 6th - June 27th (12 Weeks)
Our fees will be payable by half term or full term this school year. Please contact us for a full price schedule.
Fees will be the same for online classes as they will be for in class learning.
All students will pay a 150 Dhs registration fee. This is a lifetime fee that we will not ask you to pay annually. Think of it as a lifetime membership!
Adult classes are based on a punch card system. We understand that work schedules change and life gets busy! With a punch card system you will have the flexibilty to try different classes and work around your home life. Please contact us for prices and conditions.